Hello Dosto,
Xiaomi Redmi 5A smartphone was launched in October 2017 in China. Xiaomi Redmi 5A is Flipkart & Mi India Exclusive As Of Now.We all know that Xiaomi Redmi 4A is a budget smartphone.So, Xiaomi Once again comes with another low budget smartphone with great features.
Today We Will Post The Redmi 5A Flash Sale Autobuy Script , By Which You Can Purchase The Device Without Any Wait On Flash Sale Day On Flipkart.
Xiaomi Redmi 5A Flash Sale – Successful Buy Script, Trick (FOR PC/LAPTOP)
1. First of all open chrome Browser/Uc browser/Baidu Browser in your Pc/Laptop
2. now click here to add Price tracker Extension in your Browser
3. now you have to see option ADD TO CHROME in there just click on add to chrome.
4. now popup will be apear on top and just click add to chrome again.
5. price tracker is successfully added in your browser.
6. you will see Price tracker icon in right top corner
7. just click on that icon befor 10 min of sale time and tick any 5A variants those you want to buy
8. after ticking you will redirecting in flipkart 5A sale page and you will se that you are successfully ragisterd for today sale.
9. after 12.00 pm when mobile will in stock price tracker is automatically added 5A mobile in your Cart after added you have to checkout fastly becouse in flipkart it will be out of stock in any time.☺
Xiaomi Redmi 5A Flash Sale – Successful Buy Script, Trick (FOR MOBILE)
In mobile there is no any type of app and script are working but try Flash sale helper app for better Choice or Do manually From making 3-4 Clones in one mobile
1. first of all Download Textnow application from google play store. (CLICK HERE)
2. open uc browser or any one browser in your pc/Laptop or mobile.
2. now go to sign up page of flipkart.
3. now you have see 2 option for sign up first mobile no. and second password
4. in mobile no. you will see +91 click on it and change country code to +1(usa)
5. now open text now and make new ac and create new mobile no.(you will ask frunt 3 digit code then put 208,508,202 etc)
6. after successfully creating usa no. copy that no. and put into sign up page
7. sign up via that code otp will comming in text now app
8. Bhoom! your flipkart ac is created now follow step again and again for more accounts☺
Xiaomi Redmi 5A smartphone was launched in October 2017 in China. Xiaomi Redmi 5A is Flipkart & Mi India Exclusive As Of Now.We all know that Xiaomi Redmi 4A is a budget smartphone.So, Xiaomi Once again comes with another low budget smartphone with great features.
Today We Will Post The Redmi 5A Flash Sale Autobuy Script , By Which You Can Purchase The Device Without Any Wait On Flash Sale Day On Flipkart.
Xiaomi Redmi 5A Flash Sale – Successful Buy Script, Trick (FOR PC/LAPTOP)
1. First of all open chrome Browser/Uc browser/Baidu Browser in your Pc/Laptop
2. now click here to add Price tracker Extension in your Browser
3. now you have to see option ADD TO CHROME in there just click on add to chrome.
4. now popup will be apear on top and just click add to chrome again.
5. price tracker is successfully added in your browser.
6. you will see Price tracker icon in right top corner
7. just click on that icon befor 10 min of sale time and tick any 5A variants those you want to buy
8. after ticking you will redirecting in flipkart 5A sale page and you will se that you are successfully ragisterd for today sale.
9. after 12.00 pm when mobile will in stock price tracker is automatically added 5A mobile in your Cart after added you have to checkout fastly becouse in flipkart it will be out of stock in any time.☺
Xiaomi Redmi 5A Flash Sale – Successful Buy Script, Trick (FOR MOBILE)
In mobile there is no any type of app and script are working but try Flash sale helper app for better Choice or Do manually From making 3-4 Clones in one mobile
1. first of all Download Textnow application from google play store. (CLICK HERE)
2. open uc browser or any one browser in your pc/Laptop or mobile.
2. now go to sign up page of flipkart.
3. now you have see 2 option for sign up first mobile no. and second password
4. in mobile no. you will see +91 click on it and change country code to +1(usa)
5. now open text now and make new ac and create new mobile no.(you will ask frunt 3 digit code then put 208,508,202 etc)
6. after successfully creating usa no. copy that no. and put into sign up page
7. sign up via that code otp will comming in text now app
8. Bhoom! your flipkart ac is created now follow step again and again for more accounts☺